Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My Doctor Report

Well I am 29 1/4 inches and 21lbs 5ozs. Dr. Belko says that I am healthy and happy! She wants to know my mom's secret! That puts me in the 90% for hieght and 75th% for wieght, I have thinned out from all the crawling and trying to walk. That's it for now!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

9 months old

I am officially 9 months old and zooming all over my house and last night I took my first step! I was so excited with all of the clapping my mom is not really sure I knew what I just did...but then I took 2 steps...I know what I am doing! My 9 month check-up is on Monday so make sure to check in for my official measurements!

Love riding in brother's truck

My brothers and I are getting excited about spring, it is almost the time when we can have the truck out all the time! I love playing outside with my brothers, but my mom and dad are always dragging me back will be sunny soon! I can't wait!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Reading wiith the Big boys

Well me and my brothers have been keeping Mom and Dad soooo busy that they haven't blogged on me in awhile....I should tell that I am very fast at crawling now, even up the stairs. I also love to sit on the floor and spin in circles using my feet and then clap for myself when I am done! I have two teeth coming in on the top... but not the two front teeth like you would think, they are the two teeth outside of that, we all think it's silly! Today is the 5th Anniversary of my mom and dad's 1st date! we all celebrated this evening with some cupcakes! well that's is for now! my parents will update you all very soon!